Up to 33% Off Pure Synergy

Exceptional, effective, organic supplements you can trust

Made with fermented organic wholefoods and organic herbal extracts. Hurry, while stocks last!
natures answer cats claw bark extract
£17.56 (incl. VAT)
Subtotal: £17.56 (incl. VAT)

Heart Health

Our range of supplements to support heart health and the cardiovascular system are 100% natural.  Our ionic angstrom mineral liquid concentrates are highly bioavailable and absorbed at a cellular level.  Our heart supporting vitamins are made from real, nutritious wholefood.

We choose our supplements meticulously.  We do not sell chemical isolates masquerading as nutrients.

Product categories

pure synergy d3 k2 complex
pure synergy organic berry powder
lifegive sun vitamin d3 1
pure synergy superpure turmeric
pure synergy superpure astaxanthin
pure synergy superpure resveratrol
pure synergy heart protector
natures answer ashwagandha root
eidon ionic minerals electrolytes 60ml
eidon ionic minerals magnesium 60ml
pure synergy pure radiance vitamin C 90 capsules 1
pure synergy pure radiance C powder
pure synergy super b complex
lifegive coenzyme q10 300mg
lifegive b12 methyl
pure synergy superpure grape seed
Out of Stock
garden of life b complex
Out of Stock
lifegive systemic enzymes 180 capsules
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